Monday, August 2, 2010

Another week another bridge!

Our 5th bridge project of the summer was just completed last week thanks to the hard work of trail crew members Dick Evans, William Worrell, Pete DeLong, and Alison DeLong. This bridge is located along the community trail in Mazama just west of Wesola Polana and Browns Farm. You get a good view here of the old and new bridge beams or "stringers." The new beams were actually recycled stringers from the old lower Goat Creek bridge that still had some life in them. Roger Rowatt milled up the old rounds into beams that will work for shorter bridges like this and in the future for some short bridges up at Sun Mtn. Enjoy the new platform and the trails. If your lucky this bridge may actually make you levitate as you cross it as Alison is demonstrating above.

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