Thursday, January 22, 2009

It's more than just the skiing

Methow Valley school kids have the day off tomorrow for "professional day". Undoubtedly many of them will be headed out onto ski trails with their families. Tonight while helping my neighbors wax their skis I was reminded that there is more to the sport than just skiing. Waxing is a great activity for everyone. It allows one the chance to reminisce about all the miles their skis have taken them, plan for future ski adventures and ponder the physics of the whole sport. I can think of no better learning for children on "professional day" then to teach them the art and science of waxing.

1 comment:

Kamron Coleman said...

Nice looking kids, there. I love it, and it is true, isn't it? While I have learned that so much about skiing is about perceiving ever more deeply, part of this is surely found inside the joy of its mechanics, as you said. So far my mechanics are still in trying to find that smooth place to make my own joints move in the right direction.

Speaking of right direction, I tried out that place my neighbors have been urging me to try. Astounding. Unbelievably beautiful, top of the world. I was stunned. I am kind of glad I didn't try it before a few more Big Valley runs because I hit the ground pretty hard several times having had no instruction in snowplowing. I am going to do it again tomorrow, maybe wear a helmet this time. But this was so beautiful. The grooming was fantastic. Many thanks to MVSTA.