Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Groundhog Day Ski to Find Wilbur: February 2

JOIN US on Groundhog's Day, Wednesday February 2nd at 10am from the Town Trailhead as we ski in search of WILBUR! Last year Wilbur was spotted retreating into his home after seeing his shadow and ensuring 6 more weeks of winter. We are hoping for the same result this year! Join us as we ski along the Community Trail towards the Bitterbrush and Barnsley Loops in search of Wilbur. And by search, we mean search...unlike his eastern brethren,Punxsutawney Phil, Wilbur is not much of a show-boat groundhog. Rather than mugging for cameras and fan fare, Wilbur prefers to be aloof and free to be a groundhog. We don't cage him here but rather search for him on the local ski and snowshoe trails through town and about. Our ski tour will be led by a local Naturalist who will assist us with groundhog spotting and tracking!
Again we hope you can join us 10am, Wednesday February 2nd at the Town Trailhead as we ski in search of Wilbur and his shadow. We plan on skiing from 10-11:30am with the proclamation at 11:30am back at the Town Trailhead. Refreshments will be graciously provided by Backcountry Coffee. See you then!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Pursuit Day 1 photos

Double click on photo to go to slide show and download photos as you wish. Enjoy.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Biathlon BLAST Photos

The Methow Valley must have the most beautiful biathlon venue in the world! We certainly have the most passionate and dedicated biathlon coaches! Here are some photos from today's New Year's Biathlon Blast hosted by the Methow Valley Biathlon Team.
2011 Biathlon

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Ski Rodeo Photos

Thanks again to everyone who braved the cold yet enjoyed the sun on New Year's Day for the Methow Valley Ski Rodeo. Here are some fun photos of the action. Best New Year Wishes to All!
2011 SKi Rodeo