Friday, November 9, 2012

Pacific Northwest Regional Ski Races

Here is a list of the ski races around the Pacific Northwest for the 2012-2013 season. 

Ski Rodeo – December 29, 2012

Skate and kids lollipop races.

10k, 5k, 2.5k and 1k

10:30am start time

Mazama Trailhead


Holiday Tour – December 30, 2012

Untimed ski tour

20k and 11k

10:45am start time

Mazama Trailhead


Skirennen – January 19, 2013

Skate races and kid race

10k, 5k and 2k

9:00am start time

Golf Course


Gunnar Hagen - January 20th, 2013

Classic race
30k or 7.5k
10 am start time


Methow Valley Pursuit/Nordic Festival – January 26/27, 2013

15k Classic/30k Skate 2-Day “Pursuit” race, Citizen races, 30k Team Relay Skate, Kids Obstacle Course, Women’s costume party/ski tour.

15k classic, 30k skate, 10k (per team member) skate relay.

Chickadee, Mazama and Town Trailheads


Bakke Cup - February 2, 2013

Ski Jumping, Nordic Races and Alpine Events

8:15am start time

Ski Hill


Methow Ski Derby – February 9, 2013

Classic Race

30k, 15k

Chickadee Trailhead


Spokane Langlauf - February 10, 2013



Mt. Spokane Cross Country Ski Park


Methow Valley Tour – February 16, 2013

Non-competitive ski tour of Methow trails

80k, 50k 30k, 20k options

Cub Creek, Mazama and Town Trailheads


Bavarian Cup - February 16, 2013

Freestyle and 1-day pursuit races for all ages and abilities.

15k, 5k, 3k, 2k, lollipop

9:00am start time

Ski Hill


Stampede - February 17th, 2013

15k skiathlon 7.5k classic, 7.5k skate or 7.5k freestyle
11 am start time


Hog Loppet - February 23, 2013 

Non-competitive Ski Trek


7:30am start time

Mission Ridge


Selkir Series and JNQ - February 23/24, 2013 

Adult and junior racing

Mt Spokane Cross Country Ski Park


Ozbaldy - March 10th, 2013


9 am start time



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