Dear Trail Supporter,
Your input is needed regarding the USFS Chewuch Transportation Plan. The Comment Period ends Nov 15, 2011 so time is short! You can see the scope of this project here. We believe that having a unified and consistent voice is paramount in ensuring that we continue to have sustainable, diverse and high quality recreation, regardless of our preferred activities.
While this particular project is limited to the Chewuch drainage, the Forest Service will be evaluating roads valley-wide in years to come. We have the opportunity to actually improve our trails and access to them if we all comment. By commenting on important access roads, we and the Forest Service can focus resources on those roads most critical to our recreation. The Forest Service needs our help identifying both the use and the value of their roads so they can determine which roads to keep for current or future use and which roads to decommission.
To make responding easier and quicker, we’ve drafted a letter for you to personalize and email to comments-pacificnorthwest-okanogan-methowvalley@fs.fed.us , which is below. Please make sure you personalize and add to this letter to make sure your comment counts. The letter includes general comments that Methow Cycle & Sport and MVSTA have identified, however, there are likely others you may want to include depending on your interests and time.
For those that primarily road ride, one of the most important proposed changes is downgrading Falls Creek Road from a paved to gravel road. While it doesn’t make fiscal sense to maintain a paved road like Falls Creek, it is one of the most used roads for cyclists and reducing it to gravel would remove one of the best road climbs in the Methow Valley. Percentage wise, Falls Creek is one of three significant road climbs (Loup Loup, Washington Pass, Falls Creek) and the only one not on a State Highway. If you want to see Falls Creek remain paved, you can add a section giving your perspective. Facts and statistics are far more effective than anecdotal stories, so please consider your rationale carefully in your response.
Thanks for your attention and time.
COPY AND PASTE THE LETTER BELOW INTO AND EMAIL TO comments-pacificnorthwest-okanogan-methowvalley@fs.fed.us BY TUESDAY NOVEMBER 15!
Dear Chewuch Transportation Plan Proposed Action Team:
After reviewing the Chewuch Transportation Plan, I have compiled the following comments for your consideration on the proposed Chewuch Transportation Plan.
General Comment: Overall I would like to commend the Forest Service for explaining the rationale behind the proposed road closures and hope that the “fireside chat” forum will be used in the future by the Forest Service for comments on further transportation plans around the Methow. I also want to commend you for recognizing the problems of a diverse and expansive road/recreation system that doesn’t have a focus for resources to be applied toward. This is not only an issue for you in the maintenance of the roads but a crux for all who depend on the recreational opportunities in the Methow Valley.
As an active insert recreational activity here, my hope is to provide feedback that is productive for multi-use recreation and includes biking, running, hiking, horse back riding, and in some cases motorized recreation. The specific comments below have been formulated in two main categories; A.) Maintain existing high use and high value trail/road systems that have proven economic and recreation value, B.) Identify future high value trail/road system connections that have the potential to focus recreation opportunities in pockets that can be managed, marketed, and used more effectively than the current dispersed road system.
A. Existing High Value Trail/Road Comments
• MVSTA currently operates the “Cougar Mtn. Loop” on road 5215175. The current proposal is a Unauthorized road to a Decommissioned road. This road is a historic and critical piece of the world famous ski trail system that provides millions of dollars of income to this region. If the proposed action would jeopardize the ability to groom this road in the future please consider an alternative change.
• Connection West Chewuch (Buck Mtn area) to East Chewuch (Boulder creek, Pearrygin Creek area) by maintaining the decommission status on roads 3700999 and 5010740 but do it in a way that allows for future recreation use. Both these roads are vital connections that make “loop” trails possible. Connections between currently popular biking destinations also create more sustainable management cost because they focus resources for fewer parking areas, trailheads, signs, etc. Ideally the focused ski trail system operated by MVSTA in the winter can provide the model for connecting a focused summer trail system.
• Insert your particular comments, recommendations here such as Falls Creek
B. Future High Value Trail/Road Comments
• MVSTA is considering long term plans to address the potential effects of climate change. The Chewuch road system presents great potential towards any future transition to higher elevation trails/roads. At this time MVSTA is not in a position to comment on specific roads that may connect future trail systems together or to the existing trail system but would like to have the ability to assess and make recommendations in the future. This is of vital importance to the Methow Valley economy.
• In general gating is preferred to berming where ever decommissioning is happening. This allows for potentially lower costs in the reopening of decommissioned roads should an organization re-asses a particular road becoming high value in the future and they have the resources to maintain it.
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