I am a volunteer coach with the Methow Valley Nordic Team and a masters racer in my late 40s. This year I will coach my son Colin's group in the Methow Valley Nordic Team in a way that I hope is fun and a real learning experience for the kids. He and I are also taking up biathlon as a special father-son activity (and you thought skis were expensive!). I look forward to my daughter Claire racing more this year, and going on a fun out-of-town race trip with her peers in the Team. Last year, I went all-out in my own training, within the best of my ability and job and family constraints, culminating in the Masters World Cup in March. This year, I am dialing back a bit, but still plan to race beyond the Methow, at Leavenworth and Cabin Creek races. I may go to the BC World Cup in January to finally see the highest level of racing in person. In all my trips, I'll try to spread the word about the great skiing in the Methow Valley!
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