Friday, October 26, 2012

October Skiing

The Methow Valley is rejoicing over some early season snow.  Really early season!  Here are some skiers up  on Washington Pass on October 25th! 
A reminder that MVSTA early season discount rates are in effect until November 10th.  You only need to ski 12 days all season to make a season pass worthwhile.  At this rate 12 days might be sometime in November!  Get your ski pass on-line or stop into the MVSTA office...our new office in downtown Winthrop!  

Friday, October 5, 2012

MVSTA receives $50,000 Endowment Grant

The Methow Valley Sport Trails Association (MVSTA) is honored to be the recipient of a $50,000 endowment grant from the Community Foundation of Northcentral Washington.(CFNCW)

MVSTA was one of 31 applicants that initially applied for the grant. Later the grant was narrowed down to 5 finalists. MVSTA was chosen based upon its exemplary qualities of a well-established nonprofit that has impacted the community and shows great potential for further growth.

The $50,000 endowment grant will be managed by CFNCW and the award recipient will receive an annual income which is currently at 5%. CFNCW anticipated the award recipient to grow the endowment, not only to increase their annual income but allow for sustainability of the organization and resources to further their mission in perpetuity.  “The Community Foundation builds permanent charitable endowments for our region’s needs in the future - that’s what we do.” said Beth Stipe, the CFNCW's Executive Director. 

MVSTA Executive Director James DeSalvo shared, “we would not have been positioned to attempt this grant if we were not already 'standing on the shoulders of giants'. Throughout the history or our organization we have been propelled by the creativity and the leadership of those who had the initial vision to start the Methow Family Sports Club 35 years ago and build MVSTA into what it has become. This endowment is obviously a tip of the hat to everyone who has believed in what we do and the benefits of  'trails for life'.”

The significance of the endowment award is tremendous.  This is the first time MVSTA has significantly committed to the future of our trails, the local economy, and the overall health and well being of the community. To launch an endowment with a solid partner like the CFNCW creates substantial momentum. The endowment will eventually build a reliable source of income that would relieve pressure on our annual budget, allow us to invest more in summer/winter trail infrastructure, and invest further in the endowment when we have a solid year. This endowment award enhances our fiscal stability and sends a message to our community partners that we plan to be around for generations.