Thursday, December 31, 2009

HELP US WIN! and you may win too!

MVSTA has entered a hockey video contest sponsored by USA Hockey and Reebok. The grand prize is $2500 worth of hockey gear which would enable us to have hockey equipment available at the ice rink for people who would like to try the sport. PLEASE help us by voting for our video once a day through all of January. Let's show USA Hockey more of what our community can do! Each vote you cast enters you for the chance to win $300 in hockey gear.
It's easy, here's how to do it:

1. Become a Reebok Hockey Insider:

2. Vote for "Winthrop Outdoor Ice Rink" every day in January:

Monday, December 28, 2009

Do more than watch the Olympics....

Learn how to ice skate! Join instructor Ann Sprague for a 4 week learn to ice skate program at the Winthrop Ice Rink. Lessons start Saturday January 9th. Lessons will be 1/2 hour followed by practice time from 2-4pm. Cost is $50 per person for the 4 week class which includes US Figure Skating Association registration,basic insurance and instruction. Rental skates are available. Ann is an outstanding instructor! Don't miss this opportunity to do more than just watch one of the most popular Winter Olympic sports. For more information call Ann at 509-997-2661.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

The trails are for all

It is great to see so many people out enjoying the skiing. Conditions are fabulous in many places. This group got a ride up Rendezvous pass with the groomers and skied back down. Heartwarming!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Question Answered

Santa stopped by MVSTA today! He assured us that we have been good. We all asked Santa for more snow. Santa shared that the whole nation has asked for snow and he can only spread it around so fast but rest assured we will get more snow! Thanks Santa!
Happy Holidays to all.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Hail Our Local Champion: Casey Smith

Local skier Casey Smith won today at the biathlon Jr World's Trial race at Mt Itasca Minnesota. In three qualifying races Casey scored a 1st,2nd and 5th. Casey has qualified to go to Sweden for the biathlon Jr World Championships at the end of January. Congratulations Casey! We could not be prouder!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Announcing: Fall Bike Film Festival

We interrupt this snowstorm to announce our first ever bicycle film festival in conjunction with our 24th Annual Methow Valley Fall Bike Festival! Is a video camera on your Christmas list? We want your films! See our website for the full details. The top "Directors Choice" film will win $500, "People's Choice" $250, and a family ski pass for the top "Methow Valley Film". Write your script over the winter and submit your film this summer!

Friday, December 4, 2009


The Winthrop Ice Rink opens tomorrow, Saturday December 5th! The ice is in fantastic shape. Tim and Dave have been spraying water for a week. This work is done overnight so the ice will set at the coldest possible temperature. A HUGE thanks to these two for working overnight for a week straight. Be sure to check the ice rink schedule before heading down.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Podium Dances

Ok, so we don't have snow in the lower Valley floor, YET! which means we have been goofing around on our new podium. (who doesn't love a podium?) BUT it looks like Tim and Dave will have the ice ready by this weekend so we can get out the sticks, pucks and skates. AND our very favorite, hardly every wrong, meteorologist Bill Biddle just wrote this December forecast in the Methow Valley News. Here's his prediction:
"So where’s the snow that the valley is famous for in December? Patience, dear readers, patience. The snow is waiting for the waning of the full moon, which will be happening during the first weekend. And, as the calendar would have it, the waxing of a blue moon during the final weekend (immediately after Christmas) will usher in another snowstorm, but this one will be much more vigorous than the snow of the first weekend. But Weatherwatch readers can take solace in the verve and vigor of the snow and cold of this December. Early winter this year has had a potpourri of snow/cold and rain/warm events. This will continue throughout the whole winter, but the first blast of truly cold air will come over the first weekend accompanied by a snowstorm, then another snowstorm, and yet another snowstorm. By mid-month two feet plus will blanket the valley. And cold – brrrrr!"
Bill, if you are correct we will be saving the #1 podium spot for you!